Imin Thiel is a holy place for the elves, not because of it celebration of the their gods but more for the loss they had suffered as a people on the site where the temple is constructed. Though most men and many of the elves of the valley know little to nothing of the true meaning of Imin Thiel there are few in the land Ilithenor who are without the true knowledge of the pain and suffering that took place there. These days Imin Thiel is a lonely place. A bastion of faith, love, and memory it stands in the middle of a land intent on swallowing it up, a place known to men as The Downlands but more commonly called by its elven name, Morduin.
Surrounding Imin Thiel are several layers of dikes, all connected by the remnants of an ancient highway that connects it to the main roadthat goes from Bethelport to Rivertop and then on to the Old Elf Road. These dikes have been erected to stave off the water that encroaches on the site of the temple proper as the marshlands sink. Each is fitted with several flood gates to allow the controlled redirection of water around the tample. Th areas between the dikes, spanning several miles each are fetid places and are known to be haunted by all manner of dark creatures and wild beasts seeking to feed on the vermine that collects there.
Once past the haunted lands of Morduin, the shrine and its surrounding temple complex can be seen through the perpetual gloom. Towers and parapetsrise, iluminated from within by the warm magical lights of the elves. Towers flank a long cause way that greets guests with the rich art and celebratory craftsmanship of the elves. Even through all this though, the weight of the world outside the temple cannot be ignored and its everpresent weight can be felt hanging over everything.
The elves of Imin Thiel, totallying some several hundred, are known to be a special lot, almost all talented in some for of magic or another and bound togetherby a monastictradition. They are guardians, caretakers, and teachers who pen the temple to nearly al who seek them out. There is much hat they have to offer thosewho do find thir way to the temple.
A vast library of ancient texts can aid most travellers or those seeking the truth about the valley and its secrets, though it may take some time to find them. Elfin texts can often be quite lengthy as befits a race to whom time is a fleating concern. The librarians of this collection cannot even claim to have read ever word but they do have an extensive knowledge of sprawling collection.
The priests and warrior monks of the temple are also talented in the arts of combat and healing and can often be talked into aiding those seeking to learn a new tactic or manuever or who have a need of some cure or another. They do not however grant these to everyone who asks and are quite sure to way the need and worthiness of those asking.
Surrounding Imin Thiel are several layers of dikes, all connected by the remnants of an ancient highway that connects it to the main roadthat goes from Bethelport to Rivertop and then on to the Old Elf Road. These dikes have been erected to stave off the water that encroaches on the site of the temple proper as the marshlands sink. Each is fitted with several flood gates to allow the controlled redirection of water around the tample. Th areas between the dikes, spanning several miles each are fetid places and are known to be haunted by all manner of dark creatures and wild beasts seeking to feed on the vermine that collects there.
Once past the haunted lands of Morduin, the shrine and its surrounding temple complex can be seen through the perpetual gloom. Towers and parapetsrise, iluminated from within by the warm magical lights of the elves. Towers flank a long cause way that greets guests with the rich art and celebratory craftsmanship of the elves. Even through all this though, the weight of the world outside the temple cannot be ignored and its everpresent weight can be felt hanging over everything.
The elves of Imin Thiel, totallying some several hundred, are known to be a special lot, almost all talented in some for of magic or another and bound togetherby a monastictradition. They are guardians, caretakers, and teachers who pen the temple to nearly al who seek them out. There is much hat they have to offer thosewho do find thir way to the temple.
A vast library of ancient texts can aid most travellers or those seeking the truth about the valley and its secrets, though it may take some time to find them. Elfin texts can often be quite lengthy as befits a race to whom time is a fleating concern. The librarians of this collection cannot even claim to have read ever word but they do have an extensive knowledge of sprawling collection.
The priests and warrior monks of the temple are also talented in the arts of combat and healing and can often be talked into aiding those seeking to learn a new tactic or manuever or who have a need of some cure or another. They do not however grant these to everyone who asks and are quite sure to way the need and worthiness of those asking.